Friday, March 24, 2006


I don't think I can even tell you how happy I am that it is Friday. I am looking forward to the possibility of sleeping in tomorrow, although, it might not happen.

So, back in January (or maybe it was February I can't remember) I was leaving my house on Yeoman's Road heading toward Judge Ely to go to work at Highland Church of Christ. There is a stop sign at the end of Yeomans's on Judge Ely. I will admit that especially on this particular day it was not a full and complete stop. And it just so happened that on this particular day that there was a City of Abilene Police Officer sitting just north of this intersection by the storage building. And just as I pulled out, so did he!! I knew that he had me but I would never have guessed that I would actually get a ticket for this minor infraction of the law, right? WRONG!!! He told me that I hadn't stopped fully and gave me a ticket, only like the 3rd one ever!

So, it looks like my morning of sleeping in tomorrow may be altered to include a day of Defensive Driving. I want to get it over with, but don't want to all at the same time. I guess that Sean may convice me otherwise and force me to go do it. Plus, it's at Betty Rosa's and it includes lunch!


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